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English reading 1


Прочитайте информацию для студентов, только что приехавших в летнюю школу. Установите соответствие между заголовками  и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1-8.  Используйте каждый заголовок только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


  1.   A.  Every summer more than 60 towns in Derbyshire celebrate "well dressing". This is the practice of decorating wells, springs and fresh water sources with wooden frames, clay and flowers. It is thought to date back to a pagan ceremony of blessing the water source: The sweeter and fresher the water, the more elaborate the "dressing". Some of the locals take it all very seriously indeed.

    A brave effort 
    Regular Spring drama
    Winter performance
    Gone but not forgotten
    Winter contest
    Remembered by colleagues
    Sweet success
    Demonstration of thanks
  2. B.    Until the mid 19th century, children were used in England to climb down chimneys and clean them. In fiction, the most famous of all these children was "Oliver Twist". Every May, in Rochester, these exploited youngsters are remembered in the Sweeps Festival. Children and adults dress up, and folk players sing and act, Morris dancers perform and a good time is had by all.

    A brave effort 
    Regular Spring drama
    Winter performance
    Gone but not forgotten
    Winter contest
    Remembered by colleagues
    Sweet success
    Demonstration of thanks
  3. C. On the 12th night after Christmas, since the 1790's, actors at the Drury Lane Theatre drink wine and eat a cake, inside which is baked a pea and a bean. It is called the Baddeley cake - named for an 18th century actor, Robert Baddeley, who left his money to help "decrepit actors" who are out of work. I can't imagine why he thought the cake would be improved by a pea or bean.

    A brave effort  
    Regular Spring drama
    Winter performance
    Gone but not forgotten
    Winter contest
    Remembered by colleagues
    Sweet success
    Demonstration of thanks
  4. D. Every February in St. Ives, Cornwall, the mayor throws a silver ball into a crowd of youngsters. It is fought for, thrown and passed around in the streets and on the beaches whilst fruit is thrown, toasts are given find speeches made. The ball is then returned to the mayor and the one who does so wins the traditional prize of 5 shillings. Being more valuable than the prize, I am surprised the ball is returned.

    A brave effort  
     Regular Spring drama
    Winter performance
    Gone but not forgotten
    Winter contest
    Remembered by colleagues.
    Sweet success
    Demonstration of thanks
  5. E. On March 25th, since the 13th Century, the village of Tichbourne remembers Lady Maybela de Tichborne. She carried a burning torch around the village when she was sick and dying because her mean husband had promised that all the land she could circle would be used to feed the poor. He never imagined that his wife would find miraculous strength to leave her bed and complete the journey.

    A brave effort  
     Regular Spring drama
    Winter performance
    Gone but not forgotten
    Winter contest
    Remembered by colleagues
    Sweet success
    Demonstration of thanks
  6. F. Mummers' Plays are one of the oldest surviving features of the traditional English Christmas. Mumming in England goes back for over a thousand years and is still popular — especially in Northern England. Mumming is best described as early pantomime. The plays are based loosely on the legend of St. George and the dragon. The plays are intended to show the struggle between good and evil.

    A brave effort 
     Regular Spring drama
    Winter performance
    Gone but not forgotten
    Winter contest
    Remembered by colleagues
    Sweet success
    Demonstration of thanks
  7.   G. In Midgley, Yorkshire, every Good Friday, the "Pace Egg play" is performed by local children. Characters include St George, The King of Egypt, Bold Slasher and Tosspot. Easter eggs are given out and kisses offered. Apparently the play dates back via the English "Mummers plays" to ancient Syria and Egypt. I was Tosspot once but nobody wanted to be kissed by me!

    A brave effort 
     Regular Spring drama
    Winter performance
    Gone but not forgotten
    Winter contest
    Remembered by colleagues
    Sweet success
    Demonstration of thanks
  8.  What is the odd one (лишний)

    A brave effort  
     Regular Spring drama
    Winter performance
    Gone but not forgotten
    Winter contest
    Remembered by colleagues
    Sweet success
    Demonstration of thanks


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