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Abramova Ekaterina




video presentation - a part of the lecture

video presentation -  IT in education (in Russian)


1999 - 2003


15.10.2008 -20.04.2010

(576 hours)

Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University – diploma in Psychology and Pedagogics

 a short-termtraining atthe Training Centerfor Vocational EducationDepartment ofEducation of  Moscow

training program"Trainingof students withdisabilities"in the amount of72 h.

State educational institution ofadditional education(training)professionals.The training centerof the vocational education of Moscow Department of Education,

 Translation in the field of the professional work

Professional experience:


2005 - present time

the scientific employee (Psychogenetics Research Laboratory);

Psychological institute of the Russian Academy of Education

Carrying out of researches, writing the articles, the analysis and interpretation of data.

2006 - present time

Moscow Humanitarian University,

A senior teacher.

conducting multimedia lectures, seminars


Social and Pedagogical College at Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University

12-level psychologist

carrying out of psychodiagnostics, making recommendations according the results of diagnostics and writing the correctional programs

2003 - present time

Social and Pedagogical College of Moscow State University of Psychology & Education

A 14-level teacher of Psychology and an English teacher

conducting lectures, monitoring the students' certification works, drawing up of the study programs; drawing up of electronic versions of the lectures


Institute of Positive Psychotherapy

a senior teacher

Conducting series of lectures ("Family psychology ", "Special psychology ", " Developmental psychology ")




Office 2003-2007, Windows, Excel, Internet, Power Point, Windows Movie Maker, Statistica, SPSS, Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Adobe Photoshop CS


Proficient English, French with the dictionary


Basic skills in web-design


Fitness, swimming, studying of new computer programs

Scientific work, thesis, article:

2006 - 2007

- E. Abramova "Psychological support of the educational process in the socio-pedagogical college MGPPU / / Education and Disability: legal aspects, scientific and practical experience / M-2006

- E. Abramova (Moscow). 
Multi-dimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ) in studies of variation in personality traits / /  the IV All-Russian Congress of the Russian Psychological Society / Rostov-on-Don, 18-21 September 2007

- E. Abramova "Features of the socio-pedagogical work with students with disabilities " / / Social work and social pedagogy in Russia and Germany: Leading tendencies and dynamics of their development,  the International Scientific Conference on October 25-26, 2007 / Publishing house "Astrakhan University" 2007

- E. Abramova "Features of the pedagogical conditions for training and education of students with disabilities" / / International scientific conference "Scientific Search in education: Paradigms, policies, practices," 15-16 May 2007 MSPI (Speech)

- Tutorial: psychogenetics. Course on specialty "Psychology". Compiled by E.I.Abramova Publishing House of Moscow University for the Humanities, 2007

- E. Abramova "The work of psychological services with students with disabilities in adaptation to college" / / Education and ongoing psychological support, employment of children and young people with disabilities. Collected materials of urban Scientific Conference of University Educational District MGPPU (15 November 2007)


- Abramova E. "Socio-pedagogical adaptation of students with disabilities in the SPC" / / seminar at the Institute of Humanitarian Technologies MGPPU "Education and employment of students with limited health", 17.11.2008

- Abramova E.I.Ispolzovanie Information technologies in education / "Actual problems of modern education." / / Materials of interregional scientific conference. January 20, 2009 Voronezh - 2009 (p.168)

- E.Abramova "The application of information technology in the colleges." / / Culture in Times of Change: The formation of new social and economic relations. Materials of the International Scientific Conference (17 December 2008) Part 1., Saratov 2009 (pp. 9 - 10)

- Abramova E.I. Use of information technology in education / / Young scientists - Capital Education. Materials of the Urban VIII Scientific Conference of young scientists and students of higher and secondary education, Moscow 2009 (S.430 - 431) (Video Presentation)

- K.M Stasko (Supervisor Abramova E.I.) / / Features of group formation of children with mild mental retardation in a special aspect of a special teacher's work / / Young scientists. Materials of the Urban VIII Scientific Conference of young scientists and students of higher and secondary education, Moscow 2009 (S.208 - 210)

- E. Abramova
Multi-dimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ) in the study of variation of personality traits / / Youth and Science: Reality and Future: the II International Scientific-Practical Conference (g Nevinnomyssk, March 3, 2009) Volume II Psychology / Editorial Board.: V.A Kuzmishchev etc.: 9 volumes. - Nevinnomyssk: NIEUP, 2009. (P.32 - 33)

- E. Abramova Use of the questionnaire  MPQ in the structural concept of personality / / Young Scientist / monthly scientific journal, № 6, 2009 / Editorial Board.: Akhmetov Galia Dufarovna etc.:. - Chita, 2009. (P.143 - 149)

- E. Abramova The problem of using Power Point presentations in the classroom. / / New Technologies in Education / Scientific and Technical Journal / Editorial Board.: VV.Kravets etc.:. - № 3, 2009, Voronezh, Mastering, 2009. (P.65 - 67)

2011 - 2012

- Participation and speech at the "International Exhibition REHA MOSCOW INTERNATIONAL" 26-28 May 2011 in EcoCenter "Sokolniki", Moscow, Russia, on "The use of information technology in the educational process" (thank you note)

- E. Abramova Optimization of the
working conditions of a teacher in educational process. / / Problems of the modern education. Materials of the II International Scientific Conference, 10-11 September 2011, - Penza - Ulan-Ude - Yerevan, 2011. (P.39-42) (diploma )

- E. Abramova Informatization of the educational process / / Pedagogy and Psychology: Problems and Solutions: Materials of the International Correspondence scientific conference. Part II. (26 December 2011) - Novosibirsk. Ed. "Ekor-Book", 2011. - 110 p. (P.6-10) (Certificate)
ISBN 978-5-8561-8246-9

- Competition "Teacher, the Moscow-2012" nomination "Young university teacher." Member of the city level. Certificate

- Conference "Current models of socialization of children. Providing access to educational resources and services as a tool for the dissemination of modern models of socialization of children in the Russian Federation" 06.-08.09.2012. Report "Informatization of the social sphere" (photo). Diploma of the participant.
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