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Аудирование 2. -  var.1. 

 Следуя условиям  задания, прослушайте указанную  аудиозапись.

Аудиозапись высказываний, составленных при помощи синтезатора речи -

Внимание! В аудиозаписи идет просто чередование мужского и женского голоса, что и будет означать Speaker A, Speaker B, Speaker C и т.д..

Вы услышите пять высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего А-Е и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-6. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 1—6 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.


  1.   Speaker A.

    Very personal artwork just for the bride.
    Why the groom circles the church three times.
    Special plants for a happy marriage.
    How mom and dad can guarantee a wealthy marriage.
    Wear the right colour and study the stars.
    Colours and shapes are traditional and symbolic.
  2. Speaker B.

    Very personal artwork just for the bride.
    Why the groom circles the church three times.
    Special plants for a happy marriage.
    How mom and dad can guarantee a wealthy marriage.
    Wear the right colour and study the stars.
    Colours and shapes are traditional and symbolic
  3. Speaker C

    Very personal artwork just for the bride.
     Why the groom circles the church three times.
    Special plants for a happy marriage.
    How mom and dad can guarantee a wealthy marriage.
    Wear the right colour and study the stars.
    Colours and shapes are traditional and symbolic
  4. Speaker D.

    Very personal artwork just for the bride.
    Why the groom circles the church three times.
    Special plants for a happy marriage.
    How mom and dad can guarantee a wealthy marriage.
    Wear the right colour and study the stars.
    Colours and shapes are traditional and symbolic
  5.  Speaker E. 

    Very personal artwork just for the bride.
    Why the groom circles the church three times.
    Special plants for a happy marriage.
    How mom and dad can guarantee a wealthy marriage.
    Wear the right colour and study the stars..
    Colours and shapes are traditional and symbolic
  6.  What is the odd one (лишний)

    Very personal artwork just for the bride.
    Why the groom circles the church three times.
    Special plants for a happy marriage.
    How mom and dad can guarantee a wealthy marriage.
    Wear the right colour and study the stars..
    Colours and shapes are traditional and symbolic


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